National Museum, KL
1:50 PM
Tarikh / Date: 26 Jan 2009 (Day Trip)
Lokasi / Location: Muzium Negara (National Museum) Kuala Lumpur
Masa tu cuti Chinese New Year, sekolah kita tutup seminggu penuh! 8 hari. Kami sekeluarga tak kemana-mana sebab ayah malas nak bersesak kat lebuhraya. Nak balik ke rumah nenek pun sebenarnya nenek baru sahaja balik dari rumah kita. Masa awal-awal cuti tu kami ada ke rumah atuk. Ayah ada cakap la kat diorang nak bawak kita jalan-jalan ke Muzium Negara. Acik dan Maksu pun nak ikut sama, jadi pada 26 Januari tu pergilah kami semua ke Muzium Negara.
It was a Chinese New Year Holiday; my school was closed for the whole week, 9 days in total. We didn’t plan on any long journey just to avoid traffic jam on the freeways. Ayah did consider going to Nenek’s house but as she was staying with us only a few weeks back, it has been cancelled. We went to Atuk’s place on the first few days when the idea of going to the National Museum cropped out and Acik along with MakSu supported the idea. So it was set for us to go there on the 26 Jan 2009.

Kami agak lewat bertolak, tiba disana Acik sekeluarga dan Maksu dah sampai dulu, tapi tak lah lama kami lewat tu. Mula-mula pusing-pusing kat luar dulu sebab cari pintu nak masuk. Jauh pintu masuk dia kat sebelah depan. Kena pusing lepas tu naik tangga ke atas. Sebelum naik, ambik gambar dulu. Tiket masuk kena bayar, RM2 untuk dewasa rasanya. Kita free je.
We leave home quite late that day. Acik’s family together with MakSu is already there when we arrived. We go around the museum looking for its entrance and found it on the front side up the main stairs (the parking area was at the back). Ayah snapped some pictures before we went in. The entrance fee was RM2 for adults and free for kids like me.

Di tingkat bawah ada dua ruang pameran. Kat satu dewan yang nama Faces Of Malaysia tu ada gambar-gambar perdana menteri, ada baju dan peralatan komunis, baju polis dan tentera zaman dulu, barang-barang berkaitan kemerdekaan dan banyak lagi lah. Ada pasang video pasal merdeka. Sebelum merdeka kat Malaysia ni pun perang juga macam Israel serang Palestine tu. Selain dewan Faces Of Malaysia ni, ada 3 dewan lagi dalam Muzium Negara ni iaitu Dewan Culture kat tingkat bawah juga sementara ditingkat atas ada Dewan Natural History serta Dewan Weapon, Music & Ceramic. Kita paling suka tengok duit-duit lama yang dipamerkan, ada yang berlubang-lubang. Kita juga ada ambik gambar dengan Hang Tuah dan juga kat singgahsana Sultan.
There are four main galleries in the museum. We went in the first hall named Faces of Malaysia in the lower floor. In this gallery visitors will gather a more thorough understanding of the life of the Malaysian people which comprises of many ethnic groups. It displays artifacts of pre and post the independence of Malaysia. I saw the uniform and equipments of the Malaya Communist and also the Police & Army before independence. I also learnt that before and even after independence, Malaysia is also at war like the one I saw on TV about Gaza. The other galleries are Culture on the same floor while on the top floor we can find the Natural History Gallery and the one I liked most is the Weapon, Music & Ceramic Gallery. I found the WMC gallery very much interesting especially the old monies with holes on it. We snapped several pictures with the Hang Tuah displays and also a king Singgahsana.

Dah habis pusing-pusing dalam muzium dan kedai cenderamata yang ayah kata mahal tu, kami keluar dari bangunan utama muzium. Lapar.... Ayah bawa kita pergi makan kat cafe atas bukit belakang trak bomba tu. Kami pun menjamu selera la kat situ. Kita makan burger je, tapi agak lama menunggu sebab ramai pulak orang nak makan burger kat situ. Kalau makan makanan lain sekejap je dah dapat.
After completing all four galleries plus the souvenir shop which Ayah say was very expensive, I started to feel a sudden hunger. Luckily Ayah knows his way around and brought me to a café behind the fire truck on display. Hakim, Hadi, MakSu and I ordered burgers for our meal. It was unlucky for us as there was a long queue at the burger stall. Ayah and Ibu have finished their meal of Nasi Campur and Mee Kari respectively when my burger arrived.

Kebetulan pada masa tu ada pameran senjata-senjata tradisional di kawasan muzium. Dewan pamerannya terletak di bangunan baru disebelah bangunan utama sementara ada gerai-gerai jualan di perkarangan luar muzium. Ngeri juga dalam dewan pameran tu. Kita tengok tengkorak orang-orang yang kena potong kepala, macam-macam senjata seperti keris, tombak, kerambit, parang dan sebagainyalah lagi. Siap ada scene orang kena potong kepala, scene tombak terbang awang pulang ke dayang yang agak ngeri. Ayah suka la tengok keris dan senjata yang dijual kat luar tu. Mahal harganya, dari ratus-ratus ringgit hinggalah ke ribu-ribu ringgit. Lagi mahal dari barang-barang kat kedai cenderamata tu. Kat sebelah dewan pameran tu ada pulak dewan pameran ASEAN. Kita pun tak berapa pasti apa tu, tapi ayah cakap ni kumpulan negara-negara disekitar Malaysia. Dewan dia kecik je dan kita rasa tak best pun pameran dia. Tu kita yang rasa la, orang lain kita tak tau. Keluar dari pameran ASEAN tu kami semua berehat sekejap sambil berbincang (orang dewasa saja la) destinas seterusnya. Last-last diorang decided untuk pergi surau sekejap dan terus balik.
I forgot to mention that during that time a special exhibition on traditional weapons is being held at the museum. The gallery was at the new building near the café while there are stalls selling antique and new weapons on the walkways. Some of the displays were gruesome. There were skulls on displays, a scene from the legend of tombak terbang Awang pulang ke Dayang and also a scene of a person with his head cut off. Other traditional weapons on displays are the Keris, tombak, kerambit, parang and many more that I didn’t know its name. Ayah and Acik Farid seem thrilled on the display of the weapons on sale outside the gallery. They spent quite some time browsing the items which I think were very expensive. It cost hundreds if not thousands for each item, mush more expensive than those items in the souvenir shop he he… Next to the weapons gallery was the ASEAN gallery. I asked Ayah about it and was told that ASEAN meant a group of country that was near to Malaysia, whatever. The gallery was small and doesn’t interest me much. After the ASEAN gallery we decided to go to the musolla before going back home

Nak balik tu ayah ajak ke bangunan berdekatan dengan kawasan parking tu. Kita ingatkan bangunan pejabat, rupa-rupanya kat situ ada Galeri Alam Melayu. Kami masuklah sekejap, banyak ditunjuk adat istiadat orang melayu kat situ. Ada pelamin, ada contoh kain-kain tenunan orang melayu dan sebagainya. Last sekali kami ke Galeri Orang Asli yang terletak di tingkat bawah Galeri Alam Melayu. Ada banyak hantu kat situ kata ayah. Rupa-rupanya hantu tu ialah patung-patung ukiran orang asli yang dipamerkan di situ. Keluar dari galeri orang asli ni kami berpisah. Acik sekeluarga sekali dengan Maksu balik ke Selayang dan kami balik la ke rumah.
After our prayer, Ayah noticed that there are another two galleries that we have not visited. No wonder we didn’t noticed it before, it looks more like an office than a gallery. The first one was the Galeri Alam Melayu which displays the culture and tradition of the Malays such as weddings, celebrating newborn, death and all other equipments used traditionally by the Malays. Next is the Aborigines Gallery. Ayah told us that we can find many ghosts inside the gallery. He he… they call some of their woodcarvings ghosts according to their beliefs; what a relief. After this final gallery we all go on our ways. Acik and family with MakSu went back to Selayang and we also went back home.
Lokasi / Location: Muzium Negara (National Museum) Kuala Lumpur
Masa tu cuti Chinese New Year, sekolah kita tutup seminggu penuh! 8 hari. Kami sekeluarga tak kemana-mana sebab ayah malas nak bersesak kat lebuhraya. Nak balik ke rumah nenek pun sebenarnya nenek baru sahaja balik dari rumah kita. Masa awal-awal cuti tu kami ada ke rumah atuk. Ayah ada cakap la kat diorang nak bawak kita jalan-jalan ke Muzium Negara. Acik dan Maksu pun nak ikut sama, jadi pada 26 Januari tu pergilah kami semua ke Muzium Negara.
It was a Chinese New Year Holiday; my school was closed for the whole week, 9 days in total. We didn’t plan on any long journey just to avoid traffic jam on the freeways. Ayah did consider going to Nenek’s house but as she was staying with us only a few weeks back, it has been cancelled. We went to Atuk’s place on the first few days when the idea of going to the National Museum cropped out and Acik along with MakSu supported the idea. So it was set for us to go there on the 26 Jan 2009.

Kami agak lewat bertolak, tiba disana Acik sekeluarga dan Maksu dah sampai dulu, tapi tak lah lama kami lewat tu. Mula-mula pusing-pusing kat luar dulu sebab cari pintu nak masuk. Jauh pintu masuk dia kat sebelah depan. Kena pusing lepas tu naik tangga ke atas. Sebelum naik, ambik gambar dulu. Tiket masuk kena bayar, RM2 untuk dewasa rasanya. Kita free je.
We leave home quite late that day. Acik’s family together with MakSu is already there when we arrived. We go around the museum looking for its entrance and found it on the front side up the main stairs (the parking area was at the back). Ayah snapped some pictures before we went in. The entrance fee was RM2 for adults and free for kids like me.
Di tingkat bawah ada dua ruang pameran. Kat satu dewan yang nama Faces Of Malaysia tu ada gambar-gambar perdana menteri, ada baju dan peralatan komunis, baju polis dan tentera zaman dulu, barang-barang berkaitan kemerdekaan dan banyak lagi lah. Ada pasang video pasal merdeka. Sebelum merdeka kat Malaysia ni pun perang juga macam Israel serang Palestine tu. Selain dewan Faces Of Malaysia ni, ada 3 dewan lagi dalam Muzium Negara ni iaitu Dewan Culture kat tingkat bawah juga sementara ditingkat atas ada Dewan Natural History serta Dewan Weapon, Music & Ceramic. Kita paling suka tengok duit-duit lama yang dipamerkan, ada yang berlubang-lubang. Kita juga ada ambik gambar dengan Hang Tuah dan juga kat singgahsana Sultan.
There are four main galleries in the museum. We went in the first hall named Faces of Malaysia in the lower floor. In this gallery visitors will gather a more thorough understanding of the life of the Malaysian people which comprises of many ethnic groups. It displays artifacts of pre and post the independence of Malaysia. I saw the uniform and equipments of the Malaya Communist and also the Police & Army before independence. I also learnt that before and even after independence, Malaysia is also at war like the one I saw on TV about Gaza. The other galleries are Culture on the same floor while on the top floor we can find the Natural History Gallery and the one I liked most is the Weapon, Music & Ceramic Gallery. I found the WMC gallery very much interesting especially the old monies with holes on it. We snapped several pictures with the Hang Tuah displays and also a king Singgahsana.
Dah habis pusing-pusing dalam muzium dan kedai cenderamata yang ayah kata mahal tu, kami keluar dari bangunan utama muzium. Lapar.... Ayah bawa kita pergi makan kat cafe atas bukit belakang trak bomba tu. Kami pun menjamu selera la kat situ. Kita makan burger je, tapi agak lama menunggu sebab ramai pulak orang nak makan burger kat situ. Kalau makan makanan lain sekejap je dah dapat.
After completing all four galleries plus the souvenir shop which Ayah say was very expensive, I started to feel a sudden hunger. Luckily Ayah knows his way around and brought me to a café behind the fire truck on display. Hakim, Hadi, MakSu and I ordered burgers for our meal. It was unlucky for us as there was a long queue at the burger stall. Ayah and Ibu have finished their meal of Nasi Campur and Mee Kari respectively when my burger arrived.
Kebetulan pada masa tu ada pameran senjata-senjata tradisional di kawasan muzium. Dewan pamerannya terletak di bangunan baru disebelah bangunan utama sementara ada gerai-gerai jualan di perkarangan luar muzium. Ngeri juga dalam dewan pameran tu. Kita tengok tengkorak orang-orang yang kena potong kepala, macam-macam senjata seperti keris, tombak, kerambit, parang dan sebagainyalah lagi. Siap ada scene orang kena potong kepala, scene tombak terbang awang pulang ke dayang yang agak ngeri. Ayah suka la tengok keris dan senjata yang dijual kat luar tu. Mahal harganya, dari ratus-ratus ringgit hinggalah ke ribu-ribu ringgit. Lagi mahal dari barang-barang kat kedai cenderamata tu. Kat sebelah dewan pameran tu ada pulak dewan pameran ASEAN. Kita pun tak berapa pasti apa tu, tapi ayah cakap ni kumpulan negara-negara disekitar Malaysia. Dewan dia kecik je dan kita rasa tak best pun pameran dia. Tu kita yang rasa la, orang lain kita tak tau. Keluar dari pameran ASEAN tu kami semua berehat sekejap sambil berbincang (orang dewasa saja la) destinas seterusnya. Last-last diorang decided untuk pergi surau sekejap dan terus balik.
I forgot to mention that during that time a special exhibition on traditional weapons is being held at the museum. The gallery was at the new building near the café while there are stalls selling antique and new weapons on the walkways. Some of the displays were gruesome. There were skulls on displays, a scene from the legend of tombak terbang Awang pulang ke Dayang and also a scene of a person with his head cut off. Other traditional weapons on displays are the Keris, tombak, kerambit, parang and many more that I didn’t know its name. Ayah and Acik Farid seem thrilled on the display of the weapons on sale outside the gallery. They spent quite some time browsing the items which I think were very expensive. It cost hundreds if not thousands for each item, mush more expensive than those items in the souvenir shop he he… Next to the weapons gallery was the ASEAN gallery. I asked Ayah about it and was told that ASEAN meant a group of country that was near to Malaysia, whatever. The gallery was small and doesn’t interest me much. After the ASEAN gallery we decided to go to the musolla before going back home

Nak balik tu ayah ajak ke bangunan berdekatan dengan kawasan parking tu. Kita ingatkan bangunan pejabat, rupa-rupanya kat situ ada Galeri Alam Melayu. Kami masuklah sekejap, banyak ditunjuk adat istiadat orang melayu kat situ. Ada pelamin, ada contoh kain-kain tenunan orang melayu dan sebagainya. Last sekali kami ke Galeri Orang Asli yang terletak di tingkat bawah Galeri Alam Melayu. Ada banyak hantu kat situ kata ayah. Rupa-rupanya hantu tu ialah patung-patung ukiran orang asli yang dipamerkan di situ. Keluar dari galeri orang asli ni kami berpisah. Acik sekeluarga sekali dengan Maksu balik ke Selayang dan kami balik la ke rumah.
After our prayer, Ayah noticed that there are another two galleries that we have not visited. No wonder we didn’t noticed it before, it looks more like an office than a gallery. The first one was the Galeri Alam Melayu which displays the culture and tradition of the Malays such as weddings, celebrating newborn, death and all other equipments used traditionally by the Malays. Next is the Aborigines Gallery. Ayah told us that we can find many ghosts inside the gallery. He he… they call some of their woodcarvings ghosts according to their beliefs; what a relief. After this final gallery we all go on our ways. Acik and family with MakSu went back to Selayang and we also went back home.